The Regulations of Finance Statistics
Finance Statistics Manual
- Finance statistics are statistical data prepared in accordance with the international statistics guidelines (GFSM, PSDS, etc.) established by international bodies (IMF, etc.).
- Korea submits finance statistics prepared in accordance with GFSM and PSDS to the related international organizations every year.
- UN → SNA(System of National Accounts)
- eurostat → ESA(European System of National and Regional Accounts)
- IMF OECD → GFSM(Government Finance Statistics Manual), PSDS(Public Sector Debt Statistics)
SNA 2008
The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the recommended standard for the method of measuring economic activity that has been internationally agreed upon. SNA 2008, which is the 5th revised edition, reflects the socioeconomic changes observed in various countries and clarifies the role of national accounts. It was revised for the purpose of greatly advancing the analytical indicators of national accounts.
EU, ESA Manual
The European Union (EU) established the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA, 2010) in order to apply the SNA guidelines to its member states.
IMF, GFS and PSDS Manual
The IMF establishes international standards pertaining to finance statistics, and such includes the Government Finance Statistics (GFSM, 2014) Manual and Public Sector Debt Statistics Guide for Compliers and Users (PSDS)
A Comparison of the Scope of the National Statistics Manuals
- Public Economy
- Public Sector
- General Govemment
- Central Govemment
- Local Govemment
- Public Enterprises
- Non-Financial PublicEnterprises
- Financial Public Enterprises
- Private Sector
- Household Finance
- Enterprises
- Non-Finanical Enterprises
- Financial Enterprises